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Additional details and information regarding the project Investments for operating and maintenance of water and waste water systems in SC COMPANIA AQUASERV SA Tirgu-Mures’ Regional Operator operating area and its implementation can be obtained from SC COMPANIA AQUASERV S.A. headoffice, PIU office, 1, Kos Karoly Street.

Contact person:

Törzsök Sándor Head of PIU


Telephone no. +40 265 208 809

Fax no: +40 265 208 862

Tirgu-Mures, 22.12.2015

Investments for operating and maintenance of water and waste water systems project completed
COMPANIA AQUASERV has revamped the meter stock in 7 towns of its operating area, and has purchased equipment and special vehicles in order to ensure adequate maintenance and operation of the water and waste water system, respectively for water losses detection, for sewarege unclogging and cesspit emptying, for sewerage network diagnosis, for handling sludge in waste water treatment plants. All were included in the project Investments for operating and maintaining water and waste water systems in S.C COMPANIA AQUASERV S.A. Regional Operator’s operating area, co-financed from the Cohesion Fund of the European Union, from the savings obtained in the Sectoral Operational Program SOP Environment 2007-2013. 
Within this projecy, 8 supply contracts were concluded, and the following equipment and machines were taken over:
1. Loss detection auto-laboratory, in amount of 550.000 lei (SC EE TEST SRL); 
2. Three pieces combined small capacity roll-off trucks, in amount of 1.210.000 lei (SC LEADER ECO SRL); 
3. High capacity cesspit emptying truck, in amount of 526.900 lei (SC ELSACO ELECTRONIC SRL); 
4. Seven pieces cesspit waste / sludge receiving station, in amount of 1.547.900 lei (SC ENVIROTRONIC SRL)
5. Two pieces videoinspection auto-laboratories, in amount of 781.130 lei (SC ELSACO ELECTRONIC SRL)
6. Seven pieces frontal feeders, in amount of 1.349.900 lei (SC RET UTILAJE SRL) 
7. Seven pieces automatic samplers, in amount of 336.587 lei (SC ELSACO SRL)
8. 38.830 pieces water meters with radio reading modules, including the endowment /reading infrastructure/processing and an automatic water meter inspection stand, in total value of 22.225.942,32 lei (SC FLUID GRUP HAGEN SRL)
VAT is added to the values mentioned, according to the legislation in force. 
Investments for operating and maintaining water and waste water systems in S.C. Compania AQUASERV SA Tirgu-Mures Regional Operator’s operating area
Total value of the project is 35.446.204 lei. Implementation period was June – December 2015. Beneficiaries are the approximately 300.000 inhabitants in AQUASERV’s operating area. The project was implemented by the Regional Operator S.C. COMPANIA AQUASERV S.A. Tirgu-Mures. 

Investments for operating and maintenance of water and waste water systems with the help of European funds, COMPANIA AQUASERV is purchasing, with European funding, equipments for ensuring the proper maintenance and operation of the water and waste water system in its operating area, respectively for detecting water losses, sewerage unclogging and cesspit emptying, sewerage network diagnosis,  handling sludge from waste water treatment plants and roll-off trucks. 
All the above are included in the project Investments for operating and maintaining water and waste water systems in S.C. COMPANIA AQUASERV S.A. Regional Operator’s operating area, co-financed from the Cohesion Fund of the European Union, from the savings obtained in the Sectoral Operational Program SOP Environment 2007-2013. Following the public tendering procedure completion, all contracts having as object the purchasing of the following equipment were signed on 14.07.2015, at S.C. Compania AQUASERV S.A.’s headquarters:
1. Loss detection auto-laboratory, contract concluded with S.C. EE TEST S.R.L., in amount of 550.000 lei; 
2. Small capacity roll-off truck (3 pieces), with S.C. LEADER ECO S.R.L., in amount of 1.210.000 lei; 
3. High capacity cesspit emptier, with S.C. ELSACO ELECTRONIC S.R.L., in amount of 526.900 lei; 
4. Cesspit waste / sludge reception station (7 pieces), with S.C. ENVIROTRONIC S.R.L., in amount of 1.547.900 lei; 
5. Videoinspection auto-laboratory (2 pieces), with S.C. ELSACO ELECTRONIC S.R.L., in amount of 781.130 lei
6. Frontal loader (7 pieces), with S.C. RET UTILAJE S.R.L., in amount of 1.349.900 lei. 
V.A.T. is added to the values mentioned, according to the legislation in force. 
Contracting Authority is S.C. COMPANIA AQUASERV S.A. Tirgu-Mures. 
Investments for operating and maintemance of water and waste water systems in S.C. Compania AQUASERV SA Tirgu-Mures Regional Operator’s operating area
Total amount of the project is 35.446.204 lei. Implementation period was June – December 2015. The beneficiaries are approximately 300.000 inhabitants in AQUASERV’s operating area. The project was implemented by the Regional Operator S.C. COMPANIA AQUASERV S.A. Tirgu-Mures. 

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