Beneficiaries, partners, roles and responsibilities

Ministry of Environment and ForestryManaging Authority through the General Direction for Structural Instruments Managing is responsible with implementing the Sectoral Operational Program Environment (SOP Environment). In this capacity, it will act as a global planner of environmental policy, financial manager and process leader, and will monitor Project implementation and achieving the SOP Environment objectives ( .

Intermediate Body Sectorial Operational Environment Program in Sibiu is representing the Managing Authority in territory

Mures Environmental Protection Regional Agency is one of the Intermediate Bodies created for 8 development regions of Romania, that acts as an interface between the Managing Authority and the Beneficiary, with responsibilities in the fields of programing, monitoring, control and reporting (;

S.C. Compania AQUASERV S.A. Regional Operator is the Final Beneficiary of the Project, with responsibilities regarding the Project technical implementation, information and publicity (

The Consultant contracted by S.C. Compania AQUASERV S.A. and represented by AECOM INGENIERIA S.R.L. as Leader of the Association AECOM INGINERIA S.R.L., SAFEGE S.A. NANTERRE FRANCE and TRACTEBEL ENGINEERING S.A., is responsible for the Technical Assistance, preparing the Tender Documentations for the works contracts, publicity and supervision of works (

The works contractors, „Contractors” according to the definition under FIDIC contracts, are iresponsibles for the rehabilitation and construction works, according to the works contracts concluded with the Contracting Authority, S.C. Compania AQUASERV S.A.

Partner institutions:

Ministry of Public Finances is the national coordinator of the Cohesion Funds (

Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs is responsible for monitoring the Romanian municipal services and developing a strategy for improving the quality of these services (

National Authority for Public Utility Community Services Regulation is responsible for establishing the national legislation in the field of public utilities in romania ( .

Mures Regional Agency for Environment Protection is responsible for priorities identifying and selection, and for planning in the field of environmental protection (

Mures Local Agency for Environment Protection is responsible for monitoring the environmental factors and issuing the environmental agreements (

National Administration „Apele Române” is responsible for implementing the water management policy, under the coordination of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (

Mures County Council / Local Councils – are responsible, generally, for the management of the public domain of each agglomeration considered, including the water and waste water infrastructure, and particularly, for organizing, monitoring and controlling public water and sewerage services efficiency, that is why Local Public Authorities are the Local Beneficiaries of the assistance foreseen in this project (;;;;;;; .

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