General description

This project represents a significant stage in the frames of general rehabilitation and extension of water supply and sewerage infrastructure in Mures County, thus continuing the investment process carried out through MUDP I, SAMTID and ISPA programs, for creating regional systems in the water sector. The project will be implemented during 2011-2015, by Compania AQUASERV Tirgu-Mures Regional Operator, and it is the most important investment in Mures County so far. 
„This project is extremely important for Mures County,there has never been so far such a major application in the county, we are talking about 111 million Euro, to be invested in water and sewerage systems extension, rehabilitating of the existing ones, revamping of drinking water treatment plants, construction new waste water treatment plants and rehabilitation of existing ones. This moment is one of extreme satisfaction both for Compania Aquaserv, and for the inhabitants that will benefit from these investments.”
Sergiu Horobet 
General Director Compania AQUASERV 

•SOP Environment Priority Axis 1 – Extension and rehabilitation of waste water and water supply systems 
•European Commission Approval Decision – no. C (2011)1560 of 11.03.2011 and Ministry of Environment and Forestry Order no. 1140 dated 28.03.2011
•CCI CODE – 2009 RO 161 PR 019
•SMIS CODE – CSNR – No. 20495
•Financing contract – no. 121172
•Signing date – April 8th 2011
•Project total initial value - 467.065.003 lei (110.875.965 euro)
•Reduced, actual value (after contracting) - 94.969.122 euro
•Implementing period – 2011 – 2015, prolongued through phasing 2016
•Beneficiaries – approximately 300.000 inhabitants in AQUASERV operating area 
Works foreseen 
a.rehabilitation / extension – water / sewerage networks / rehabilitation – drinking water tanks, drinking water mains towards rural areas, pumping stations, waste water treatment plants, drinking water treatment plants

Funding structure 

Funding SOURCE



Total (euro)

EU Cohesion Fund

Eligible costs



State budget

Eligible costs



Local budgets

Eligible costs



Operator loan

Project value, other than that declared eligible according to SOP Environment







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