Public interest information
Public information
The free and unrestrained access of any person in Romania to all public interest information, as defined by Law 544/2001, is one of the fundamental principles of the relations established between people and public authorities.
Thus, public interest information is understood as any information that regards or results from the activities of a public authority or public institution, whatever the support, form or manner of expressing that information is.
In order to ensure access to public interest information, SC COMPANIA AQUASERV SA has appointed the following persons with responsibilities in this field:
In charge with distribution of public interest information:
Dodiţă Farcaş Daniel – Head of External Relations Department
Telephone no.: 0265 – 208.888
E - mail:
In charge of informing the press:
Tomuleţiu Nicolae – Spokesperson - External Relations Department
Telephone no.: 0265 – 208.888
E - mail:
Written inquiries (F) of public interest information regarding the activity of SC COMPANIA AQUASERV SA, can be sent to 1, Kos Karoly Street, Tirgu-Mures, Mures County, postal code 540297, or by e-mail to
Formular tip de solicitare a informatiilor de interes public